Thursday, 27 July 2017

Culture Club 26 July

Allan, Davie Mc, Ian, Jim, Jimmy, Kenny T, Kenny R, Malcolm, Paul, Rex

As we dried out and had coffee at the Concert Hall we wondered about the whereabouts of our leader for the day and his Cumnock Cronie. ‘Maybe he has, after all, gone on the Annbank walk’. ‘Maybe the dug didn’t let him oot the hoose’. However just as we were beginning to contemplate moving on to Kelvingrove without him, the twosome arrived and without due delay, we set off for the subway at Buchanan Street. Allan and Kenny T were the last to get their tickets, so it came as a bit of a surprise to them that as they descended to the platform, it was empty. There were some naughty words said. They caught up with the rest at Kelvinhall station, accepted their ‘sincere’ apologies, and made their way to the Art Gallery and Museum.
An hour and a half was set aside for the visit, with each going his own way to discover the various displays, before moving across the road to Mother India’s Café for lunch. The menu was tapas style, but not, Johnny, as you know it. The food was very good indeed.
As we made our individual ways back home, the weather had picked up enormously. A guid day oot, and a nice wee change.

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