Thursday, 1 February 2018

Failford 31 January (Oh, when will we see the lunky hole again?)

Allan, Davie C, Gus, Ian, Jim, Johnny, Kenny T, Paul, Rex, Robert

The Prologue
In this country, some wad say
Four seasons, easily, in wan day
When snaw and crash shut aff the brae
A vice in the caur was heard tae say
Aye! The best-laid schemes gang aft agley

The Journey
As the Irvine duo head towards Mauchline the wet roads were turning to slush, not really surprising as the forecast was for wintry showers. They took the decision to ignore the Sorn road and stick to the main road to Cumnock and then the A70 to Muirkirk. The road conditions were becoming tricky, but they could see Rex behind them. As they approached Muirkirk a phone call told them that the Killie crew had been turned back from the Sorn road as there had been an accident on the hill just outside Mauchline, and had decided to do a walk from Failford. So, Allan, Johnny and Rex turned round at the petrol station in Muirkirk, and gingerly made their way back to Cumnock. By the time they got there, road conditions had improved since the outward journey, and Failford was reached in wet and dull conditions.
Sorry for the poor picture quality, but the sun was shining!
The Walk
It must have been close to half past ten by the time we set off heading along the River Ayr path towards Stair. Overhead conditions had improved stretches of the path were extremely muddy and no attempt was made to negotiate the wee landslip at the river. Instead we headed over the field at Daldorch and found the road which we followed to the Daldorch road end. We stood here for a few minutes whilst hail and rain battered us, but it soon cleared, and we walked down to the wall at the road junction for a pleasant lunch stop.
This would prove to be our turning point today, and we walked back up the road towards Train’s nursery before turning right at the Daldorch sign and retraced our steps towards Failford, taking the easier high route on the path. The weather had been kind to us, but as we reached the cars about half past one, the heavens opened again, just when you needed it dry to get changed.
(Robert managed to contact Davie Mc to find that he had gone to Muirkirk but had ended up on the Smuggler’s Trail.)

The fire was very welcoming in the wee lounge in the Failford Inn as we spent a good hour listening to the rain falling and watching it dripping through the ceiling. Had we gone any further on the walk we would have been well-drookit by the time we got back to the cars.
Nonetheless, we had got some badly needed exercise, in better than hoped for conditions, and enjoyed the usual banter in the pub. An eventful day out!


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