Thursday 20 August 2020

Greenock Cut or Not 19 August

Alan, Allan, Billy, Davie C, Davie Mc, Dougie, Gus, Hugh, Ian, Johnny, Malcolm, Paul, Rex, Robert

The day started with news that the road at Inverkip was closed due to an accident and ‘advice’ given to use the Brisbane Glen Road to travel from Largs to Cornalees. Unfortunately, other motorists had the same idea. This is a single-track road with few passing places and, given the volume of traffic using it today, it was a mistake to use it. Without going in to too much detail and without using any expletives, the journey to Cornalees from Largs was tortuous and not-to-be repeated, with many a thought of being stuck in the middle of nowhere as cars coming in opposite directions met with nowhere to go. Four cars containing Alan, Allan, Johnny, Malcolm and Paul eventually reached their destination unscathed, with the drivers having to go and lie down in a dark place for some time to recover.

Calls were received that the rest of the guys had given up and had returned to Largs to do a walk from there to Fairlie and back. This was followed by most having a refreshment in the pub. Remember the days!

Anyway, the five started the Greenock Cut walk going anti-clockwise at about quarter past ten in misty haar, but this soon was burned away and, although very warm, the day was overcast rather than sunny. We didn’t stop for coffee as we came down the hill but continued to our usual lunch spot where we took our only break of the day.

A few minutes out from Cornalees and we got another light shower but, thankfully, only for five minutes. It was about one o’clock when we arrived at the cars. All seemed tired after today’s walk, and maybe the earlier excitement had something to do with how we felt.

We did not return the way we came!

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