Thursday 6 January 2022

Annbank Circular 5 January

Alan, Alan McQ, Allan, Davie C, Davie Mc, Dougie, Gus, Hugh, Iain, Jimmy, Malcolm, Paul, Rex, Robert

A healthy number of Ooters turned up at Annbank Bowling Club for our first Wednesday walk of the new year. It was a crisp, bitterly cold morning as we exchanged ‘Happy New Years’, so we didn’t waste much time before starting on our familiar Annbank Circular. Today we went clockwise via Privick Mill before joining the riverside path up to the point where some went low and negotiated the landslip, and others went high, before meeting up again for the walk up to the fishermen’s shelter for coffee. To supplement our rations, Malcolm had brought shortbread, Alan distributed Stollen, and Davie C had brought a carton of Lees’ snowballs. Initially we thought he had made them himself as they were the same size as his infamous scones! All gratefully accepted however.

Soon we were over Tarholm Bridge and in good spirits as the going underfoot had been fine so far. This was to change as we encountered the usual ‘glaur’ on this section. For the first time in your scribe’s memory, the group split on two sections of this part of the journey with some sticking to the traditional low level tracks with the remainder going high. No matter, we all made it to the Wallace and Burns monument just after ten past twelve and spent twenty minutes having lunch and a blether. Full marks to Davie Mc who collected all the litter that had been discarded around the monument (not by us, I may add) and binned it.

Crossing over Oswald’s Bridge the return, shorter, leg of the walk was straightforward, and we were back at the cars just at ten past one. Mind you, the final climb up the hill back to the bowling club seems to get longer as the years go on.

Three hours and ten minutes for seven and a half were today’s numbers. A good start to the new year. Given the current restrictions we did not have FRT today.


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