Wednesday 28 June 2023

Seamill to Portencross 28 June

Alan, Allan, Davie C, Davie Mc, Gus, Hugh, Malcolm, Rex, Robert

Due to the poor weather forecast, the proposed Dailly walk was postponed in favour of our familiar Seamill to Portencross trek. As we got ourselves organised in the car park, the rain, albeit light, began to fall, so we got started a bit early as we assumed no-one else was coming, or was daft enough to come on such a morning.

Nevertheless, it wasn’t too bad, and when we took shelter at the castle for an early lunch about quarter past eleven, we thought that so far had been so good.


The walk back however was covered in persistent rain meaning that it was a heads-down trudge and ’let’s get back to the cars as soon as’. It only took about an hour and ten minutes to get back with the whole seven miles plus lunch stop taking two hours and forty-five minutes. We were well-soaked and getting changed in the rain was not easy, but we were in good enough spirits when we arrived at a very busy Wetherspoon's in Irvine for FRT. We couldn’t manage to find tables to sit the eight of us, Derval Davie had gone straight home, but we were in two groups of four, reasonably close to each other.

Nonetheless, a very pleasant hour was spent.

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