Friday 1 December 2023

River Ayr Walk - Greenock Water to Sorn - 29 November

 Dougie, Rex, Hugh, Gus, Davie C, Paul, Davie M, Jimmy, Malcolm

We gathered at Sorn Kirk on a beautifully clear, crisp morning. Car thermometers were in agreement - -5C. Three cars took us to our departure point - the lay-by at the old Greenockmains Bridge.

This is one the most attractive stretches of the River Ayr, with the added bonus of a few short stiff climbs affording a little variation to the walk alongside the river.  

We were treated to the rare sight of ice circles (or ice pancakes) formed, apparently, by foam coalescing and freezing in river eddies.

This wouldn't have been an easy walk to do had the ground not been frozen.  Much of it is very muddy but the sharp frost had firmed it up. Nevertheless wee Davie managed to find a less firm patch and got a wet foot for his troubles.

Coffee was a standing up job but big Davie had the lunch spot sorted with ample seating on the side of a long boardwalk high above the river. A well-chosen location.

The remainder of the walk was a leisurely amble (for most of the group - Hugh, Rex, Paul and Isla had disappeared into the distance) skirting farmland and passing through woodland as far as the Sorn road which we crossed and took the path above Sorn village and then back to the cars.

Distance 12 kms.

A pleasant hour was spent in the Black Bull, Mauchline where the sausage rolls were much appreciated!

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