Thursday 16 May 2024

15 May 2024 - Croy Shore to Maidens (and return)

 Rex, Graham, Davie M, Jimmy, Bob, Hugh, Gus, Paul

Eight Ooters gathered in the car park at Croy Shore on a pleasant morning with the fulfilled promise of a warm day ahead.  It should be noted that Davie arrived well before the Kilmarnock contingent.

A haze meant that Arran was obscured as we made our way along the beach to Culzean.  One wide burn had to be negotiated and those who chose not to wear walking boots probably regretted it.  We also had to traverse extremely smelly seaweed, with Davie claiming his boots had been overtopped by the stuff.  Terra a bit more firma was reached at Segganwell Cottages (though Jimmy chose to extend his beach walk a little for some photo opportunities) and we visited the gas house and admired the exhibition.  The chap overseeing the furnace could easily have been mistaken for an Ooter. 

"Which one?" I hear you ask.  

(c) J Johnstone Esq

Coffee was taken at our usual spot above the Castle gardens and then we proceeded anti-clockwise around the Swan Pond.  A "dead" swan was probably just resting. 

At the pagoda we patiently waited for Jimmy and Davie who, it was assumed, would appear soon.  Eventually we decided to patiently wait no longer and this was the correct decision since we met up with them, arriving from a different direction, at the top of the steps which descend to Maidenhead Bay.    Traversing more sand and seaweed we reached our lunch spot at Maidens Harbour.  

The return trip featured minor variations. We entered Culzean via the bridge over the Hogston Burn at Ardlochan House, we went anti-clockwise around the Swan Pond, with Robert pointing out the skunk cabbage growing at the pondside , and at Segganwell Cottages we followed the path above the beach which runs as far as Goatsgreen Cottage.

Your scribe should have paid more attention to Davie's wise words but it was 'about' a four hour walk.  Distance 'about' 9 miles.  

There was some debate about the venue for FRT.  The newly re-opened inn at Dunure and Balgarth Pines were proposed.  The latter was chosen although the dissenters were not easily assuaged.  It was a good choice and the sitootery (Davie had to explain this to the barman) was an ideal spot for an hour's 'wide-ranging' conversation.

A grand day out in perfect weather.

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