Friday 16 August 2024

14 August 2024 - Prestwick to Troon

 Jimmy, Davie M, Davie C, Gus, Robert, Hugh, Rex, Francesco, Paul, Malcolm, Dougie.

We met up on the fine new stretch of tarmac by the old Prestwick pool where Francesco, our overseas member, was given a warm welcome back to the fold.

As is their wont, Ooters set off in a variety of directions from the car park. Some opted to tackle the grass bank head on  before accessing the track within the confines of the golf course. Others stayed low climbing gradually to the green path on the seaward side of the golf course's boundary fence.  Those on this path were treated to the identification of the varied plants bordering the route - Robert from his phone app, Davie M and Jimmy from their extensive bank of knowledge.

We all met up again at the caravan site but soon some chose to tarry awhile as a man with a large telephoto lens was recognised by Jimmy and was engaged in conversation.  He was photographing a slug.  Jimmy was more interested in the black-tailed godwit which had been reported close to the Pow Burn and our photographer obliged by showing Jimmy a picture or two. There was no sign of any godwit, black-tailed or otherwise at the mouth of the Pow Burn, but Paul spotted a little egret.

By this time the stragglers had been left well and truly behind: 

What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs and stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass.Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight, streams full of stars, like skies at night.

To be fair, the slug wasn't all that interesting.

From a distance the main group could be seen engaged in conversation with a lady walking in the opposite direction. She eventually met up with the vanguard and rightly identified us as the Ooters.  She had met us on previous occasions with the Paisley walking group she belonged to.  She even remembered Holly and was pleased to be introduced to Isla.

We met up at the benches on Troon promenade, close to the Walker Hall. Some were ready for lunch but it was decreed that the stop was to be for a short coffee top up.  The beach was reasonably busy and an interesting gymnastic performance was observed.

Given Isla's aversion to traffic, Davie decided to go back the way he had come, while the rest of us headed off past Royal Troon (still no access to the course) and up Craigend Road to the cycle track. We stopped for lunch close to the bridge leading to the golf course and then made our way back towards the cars, along the bypass and into the Old Course. The course was extremely busy and we were given friendly advice by one of the greenkeepers on getting across the fairways.

Davie arrived at the cars around 10 minutes after the rest of us and FRT was then taken in the big sitootery at the Red Lion, where a pleasant hour was spent.  We were all enjoying the sun and warmth ... well, except for Francesco who was finding it a bit chilly! 

Distance 12 kms.

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