Monday 9 September 2024

Corsencon 4th September

Alan McQ, Allan, Davie C, Dougie, Gus, Hugh, Jimmy, Johnny, Malcolm, Paul

We were assembled at New Cumnock station in plenty of time on a warm September’s morning, so we set off ten minutes early for our walk to Coresncon. The trek up Mansfield Road was straightforward and our usual coffee stop was reached by quarter to eleven.

Decisions! Decisions!


At this point Allan, Davie and Johnny decided to forego the climb and retraced their steps, slowly, back to New Cumnock, stopping on the way at a roadside bench to enjoy the warmth. However, by the time they approached the houses again the skies had darkened, and the rain began to fall. The last ten minutes to the cars was done in a torrential downpour, and they were relieved to get to the wee shelter at the station where they took their lunch. It was just after half past twelve at this time.

At five to one they were joined by a rather wet trio i.e. Dougie, Hugh, and Malcolm, who had turned back when the remaining four veered off to tackle the hill. It was still raining but it was warm, and the skies were lightening. They had already taken their lunch, so it was decided to motor to the Black Bull in Mauchline and await the rest there. Hugh made contact to alert them and by the time they set off the skies were blue, and the sunshine had returned. The rain had been very locsalised, as the road to Cumnock was bone-dry.

Having climbed to the trig point, Alan, Gus, Jimmy and Paul came back down the way they had gone up with Jimmy leading them round Craigdullyeart Hill and past the old opencast before emerging on to the main A76 a few hundred yards to the north of the town. It was almost three o’clock when Alan and Gus got to the pub, the other two having decided to go straight home, and said that the extension had taken longer than expected. The phrase ‘Jimmy miles’ was mentioned! A bonus for them though was that by taking that route, they had managed to avoid the downpour. C’est la vie!

As usual the hospitality of the Black Bull has to be mentioned, as sausage rolls were yet again kindly provided to accompany what, for the usual suspects, was a three-pint day.

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