Thursday 20 June 2024

19 June 2024 - Ness Glen

 Paul, Davie M, Hugh, Robert, Rex, Graham, Dougie

We met up at the dam on a cool, dry, still morning and were greeted by the local residents - swarms of biting midges.

Fortunately this was the only location where they were a pest.

To accommodate Robert's need to get back early this was a relatively short walk. We took the higher route from the dam making use of some recently installed steps where the path rose sharply. Having descended to the suspension bridge we followed our usual route back to Dalmellington but took a left turn to an attractive stone bridge over the River Doon.  This was our coffee stop.

We now headed back towards Craigengillan along the main estate road.  We gave way to a Lamborghini tractor from which a couple of estate workers descended to patch up some potholes in the tarmac.  There was time for a chat, with Dougie and Rex trying to book them for repairs in Prestwick and Ayr. Back to the suspension bridge we went, this time taking the lower route up the Ness Glen.  All bridges were passable but a few had been damaged by falling branches. It's to be hoped they are repaired quickly rather than being allowed to deteriorate further.  

We were back at the dam soon after midday and had lunch at the lochside. Distance 7 kms.

FRT was taken in Dalmellington Inn's sitootery and a pleasant hour was spent there.

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