Thursday 13 June 2024

Seamill to Portencross 12 June



Allan, Davie C, Davie Mc, Dougie, Gus, Hugh, Jimmy, Johnny, Rex, Robert

It was a bright morning with no prospect of rain as we set off from the car park and on to the beach following our familiar route to Portencross. We were well spread out as we passed the golf course but most of the group re-assembled on the road up to the castle.

Lunch was taken at the castle at about twenty past eleven before starting on the return journey. The weather was warming up and again we were strung out, but the back markers made it back to the cars at five past one having covered about seven miles. By this time the sky and the water were blue and Arran was seen in all its glory.

FRT was taken in the sports bar at the Lauriston, where a convivial hour was spent.

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