Wednesday 26 June 2024

Prestwick to Troon 26 June

Wednesday 26th June 2024
Prestwick to Troon and return
Present: Malcom, Johnny, Allan, Jimmy, Graham, Bob, Gus, Rex, Hugh, Paul, Killie Davie, Derval Davie

The above Dirty Dozen met at our usual appointed time in the newly tarmacked car park just beyond the old swimming pool in Prestwick. It was a pleasant and warm morning and so it was to remain for the whole walk. 
Even at the start, however, there was a schism with some opting to climb the banking onto the road while the others chose the low road leading to the sandy path with nice views of the sea. The tide was far out this morning so we had no problems negotiating the corner at the Pow Burn.

The going was easy and soon we began to notice the all the preparations for the Open Golf Tournament. At roughly where the signpost indicates the right of way across the golf course towards Fullarton Park Allan decided he had had enough as he was due to go into hospital the next morning. We wish him all the best and hope that everything goes better this time around. Johnny and Malcom accompanied him back to the cars. 

We reached our usual end spot in Troon about half eleven, where some of us proceeded to have lunch, whereas others treated merely as a coffee stop. Our Treasurer, being a kindly generous bloke, sussed out the price of the ice cream at the stall and then informed us, "It's too bloody dear! £2.70 fur wan wee scoop of ice-cream. Nae chance!"
Derval Davie decided he would return by the way he came, owing to the possibility that Isla would have a go at the bicycle wheels, were she to take the cycle path. So the Lone Ranger took off with his dug and the baddies made their way to the cycle path. Davie and Isla arrived  back at the cars a good 20 minutes before the rest arrived; seemingly a second lunch break had been called on the way back.
Frt was taken at the sit-ooterie of the Red Lion in  Prestwick, this being the first time your scribe had been in this particular establishment; I was  very impressed and having asked a couple how their meal was, I was told that the food was excellent. So a return visit with the wife is promised.* A very pleasant hour of banter was spent sitting under the large parasol.  
Derval Davie
* this last sentence may have been added by the wife!
Photos by Jimmy


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