Thursday 2 July 2020

Irvine to Barassie 1 July

Allan, Billy, Davie C, Hugh, Kenny R, Jimmy, Paul, Robert (plus a guest appearance by Malcolm)

The 1st of July saw the Ooters make their first tentative steps to ‘normality’ since mid-March. Seven of us assembled (maintaining social distancing) at the car park at Irvine shore for the walk to Barassie on an ideal morning for a walk, pleasantly warm with no wind.
An hour later we had reached our turning point and took our pieces at the benches enjoying the warmth of the hazy sun. At this point Malcolm arrived to say hello. He had been unaware that we were walking, having not checked the blog, and only knew where we were when he had telephoned to check why there was no Zoom meeting. Just as he was about to drive back home, Paul arrived on foot. A flat car battery had prevented him joining us earlier, but he accompanied us back to Irvine.
We got back to the cars about quarter to one and made our way home. By this time the car parks had become much busier but there was still plenty of space to maintain our distance.
It was generally agreed that meeting up again was so much better than the on-line gatherings and that we would do so again if a suitable walk i.e. one where we could maintain our social distancing, could be achieved. Prestwick to Troon was agreed for next week.

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