Friday 28 May 2021

Annbank Circular 26 May

Alan, Allan, Davie C, Dougie, Hugh, Ian, Jimmy, Johnny, Kenny R, Malcolm, Rex, Robert

The weather was dry and overcast as we assembled at Annbank for our familiar walk to Auchincruive. It was good to have Alan back with us but, as he is still not fully fit, he indicated that he would only be doing the shorter walk up to the monument and back. This made our decision for us i.e. we would do the walk in reverse order (anti-clockwise) and accompany him to our coffee spot. Despite recent rain, the going was reasonably good and by quarter to eleven we were sitting at the Wallace and Burns monument having our break.

Robert decided that he would accompany Alan back to his car leaving ten of us to continue on the longer route back to Annbank. This section proved a bit more muddy in parts but nothing compared to what we have previously experienced. Since it had been a wee while since some of us had done this walk, the steeper inclines came as a surprise and got the heartbeat going, but by just after twelve we were at the Tarholm Bridge where we stopped for lunch. It was getting warmer by this time, so a pleasant fifteen minutes were spent watching the world pass us by, or, at least, a couple of cars.

Having crossed the bridge, the walk up the opposite side of the river was straightforward, although we took the higher path to avoid any unnecessary difficulties nearer the riverbank. By twenty past one we were back at the cars and headed for the Tap O The Brae for FRT.

Kenny kindly bought the first round to celebrate his recent 70th and we thanked him for his gesture. Having settled down at the outside drinking area, our conversation was up to its usual high standard* with the only downside being the fresh country aromas coming from some farmer’s field nearby. Nevertheless, it was great to have a laugh again.

*At one point the barmaid came out and shut the door between us and the punters inside!

Approaching Auchincruive

A wee landslip creates a challenge

Striding out

Step this way!

Wild garlic and bluebells were in abundance

Pictures courtesy of Jimmy

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