Thursday 23 March 2023

Erskine Bridge to Clydebank 22 March

Alan, Allan, Davie C, Dougie, Gus, Hugh, Johnny, Malcolm, Paul, Rex, Robert

We enjoyed our coffee at the garden centre below the Erskine Bridge before making our minds up that, given the blustery conditions, we would drive over the bridge and park at our access point to the canal path. Overhead was bright and dry, and the path was sheltered from the wind, which was not as bad as forecast and which was to abate as the day went on.

As usual, we were well -spread out by the time we got to McMonagles, but all were there by twenty past eleven – too early for lunch, maybe? There was some thought to continue along the path for another half an hour or so before returning, but the allure of fish and chips or black pudding and chips was too great, and we settled down for an early lunch.

The return leg was straightforward, in good walking conditions meaning we were back at the cars about ten to one having done between six and six and a half miles since setting off at twenty past ten. We were lucky with the weather, dry and bright and with no issues with the wind on our route. FRT was taken back at the Kings Arms in Fenwick where Georgian architecture didn’t get a look-in!


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