Thursday 3 August 2023

Ochiltree to Knockroon 2 July


Alan McQ, Allan, Davie Mc, Dougie, Graham, Gus, Hugh, Malcolm, Rex, Robert

The weather was overcast but warm as we assembled at Knockroon for the bus to Ochiltree. Davie was a wee bit late but was excused as he showed us his broken wrist, the result of a fall on his well-trodden valley walk, and, coincidentally, on the same part of the path that Alan had fallen a number of weeks ago. He did reassure us, however, that his normal leisure activities were not affected! It wasn’t too sore unless he touched it so the medical experts among us simply advised him not to touch it. Gus was still not fully fit so he would not come on the bus with us but would walk to the roundhouse at Dumfries House and wait for us there. On a scale of one to ten, his Achilles tendon was only a fourdon, so it was a fourdon conclusion that he wouldn’t do the full walk.

Ochiltree was reached just after ten o’clock and we set off on the newly structured path towards the A-frame. They had done a good job with the path, but the same old question arose i.e. Is there money set aside for regular maintenance? Vegetation was overgrowing on to it and starting to grow through it, and some of the bankings that were cut had started to slip. Curiously, there were two occasions where strands of barbed wire were hung across the path. Nevertheless, the path was a big improvement, and we were at the A-frame in forty minutes. Coffee was taken before moving on.


It only took twenty-five minutes to find Gus at our lunch spot. As it was still quite early, a debate ensued as to whether we have lunch right away or visit the walled garden first, with the early lunchers winning out. It was pleasantly warm, and we were in no rush, at least most of us weren’t, meaning that lunch was a leisurely affair, before the obligatory visit to the garden. It was in full bloom, but most were more interested in the array of vegetables that were on display.


From here it was forty-minute walk back to the cars, with the whole trip of seven and a half miles taking three hours and four minutes according to Wristy. We had enjoyed better then expected weather with only the very occasional smir, and we were ready for FRT at the Black Bull in Mauchline. There was a different barmaid on, so our chances of sausage rolls were greatly reduced, in fact they were reduced to zero. Nonetheless, a humorous time was had to finish off a good day out.

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