Wednesday 3 April 2024

A wet Wednesday wander from Maidens round Culzean

Alan Mc, Dougie and Jimmy 

 Only three intrepid* Ooters walked today. Others did arrive at the meeting point but looked at the torrent falling from the leaden sky and, deciding that discretion was the better part of stupidity, promptly went home. So only three happed themselves in waterproofs, braved the elements and set off along the Maidens shore road despising wind and rain and ……. Alan Mc was appointed the leader for the day for the other two thought it a good idea to have somebody to blame and Alan being the youngest and the smallest, was promptly appointed leader. He knew where he was going though and led us through the caravan park to the lane into Culzean policies.
 It was here we found a group of volunteers who were deciding whether to carry out repairs to the boardwalk in the downpour or head back to the visitor centre for coffee in the dry. We left them to their deliberations and followed the track to the swan pond. In the trees we were sheltered from the wind and the rain wasn’t being blown into us as it was before, it just fell vertically onto us. A visit to the walled garden was called for and that’s where we headed. There wasn’t much to see there today; only a couple of magnificent magnolia trees in full flower, pink and white, brightened up the dreich day. 
Then it was on along the road to the ruined arch. That’s where we met with the Maybole walking group. (So it is not just Ooters who are stupid enough to be out in this weather? Ed.) Then, with the smell of coffee in his nostrils, our glorious leader took us directly to the visitor centre tearoom where we enjoyed a few minutes over coffee in the dry. 
 After coffee, much to the surprise of at least one of his following, Mr Mc turned uphill towards the exit of the park. But he knew where he was going. To keep us off tarmac he turned onto a path through the trees beside the road – the first mucky bit he found for the day. But he certainly knew where he was going. First we turned left and found more muck. Then right on a new path to have a look at a pond and some llamas. Then back left, then right to find a path round another pond. Then we found ourselves back on the track we had just left. But Alan knew where he was going – we think. When we found ourselves on the old railway at least one of us knew where we were. We followed the old railway for a bit then found a track that led directly to the caravan park. But Mr. Mc wasn’t finished yet. He turned us left and found us more muck before leading out to the Maidens shore road and the transport.
 A total distance of 6.7 miles which, for the sake of simplicity, we will round up to seven. 
 And did the rain go off at all? Did it ………! 
 No FRT was taken today as t was felt that a better idea was to get back home into the dry. 

 *For intrepid please substitute any of the following – foolish, stupid, idiotic, unwise or any other adjective of your choice.

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