Thursday 24 June 2021

A Frame to Auchinleck House 23 June

Allan, Billy, Davie C, Davie Mc, Dougie, Gus, Hugh, Iain, Ian, Jimmy, Johnny, Kenny T, Rex, Robert

Coffee stop at Auchinleck House

We met at the A Frame on an overcast, but mild, morning for our walk to Auchinleck House. The forecast was iffy so most had waterproofs packed but, in the event, they weren’t needed, as the day turned out to be fine and underfoot conditions good.

The route took us to Ochiltree via the path following the Lugar, and then beyond up to Auchinleck House* where we stopped for coffee. Kenny had to return at this point as he had to be home early. From there we followed the track to the old summer house and via the gorge walk to the point above Wallace’s cave. The path down to it was precarious and not for the faint-hearted, meaning that fearties stayed up top whilst the rest descended to test themselves and explore.

Lunch was then taken at the Auld Place before a diversion down to look at the remains of Auchinleck Castle. If your scribe can remember properly, the Auld Place was built to replace Auchinleck Castle and the current Auchinleck House was built to replace the Auld Place.

As we passed Boswell’s on our way back to the cars the marquee was being set up for a wedding and we encountered the groom, his best man and his mates being photographed on the driveway. Retracing our steps to the A Frame, we were there by half-past two having covered the best part of ten miles.

No FRT today as there was nowhere convenient to accommodate us, but a grand day out nonetheless.

*Just as a reminder, the inscription translates as: Whatever you seek is here in this remote place, if only you have a good firm mind.

Heading for Ochiltree

At the summer house

Don't do it, Davie!

From inside Wallace's cave

And for my next trick...

The remains of the Auld Place

Exploring the topology below Auchinleck Castle

Not much water today

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