Thursday 10 June 2021

Portencross 9 June

Allan, Davie C, Gus, Hugh, Ian, Johnny, Malcolm, Paul, Rex, Robert

It’s official! The Geenock Cut walk is jinxed.

On a very wet morning Johnny and Allan were first to arrive at the cut-off to Cornalees to find a sign saying that the road was shut. Undaunted, they decided to try their luck and made it to the car park where they could see that the section that was shut was the road from the visitors centre up to the Brisbane Glen road. The rest, however, having reached the cut-off were more cautious and made a decision to return and do the Portencross walk. Eventually, the Irvine duo were contacted and they too made their way back to Portencross for the familiar clockwise circuit.

It was about twenty-five to eleven when we got started in some light rain but by the time the power station was reached it had dried up and we were to have no more for the rest of the day. We did notice the two large drilling ships still docked at Hunterston and that the two large wind turbines had been removed. We didn’t stop for coffee but took lunch at our usual spot in the shelter of the trees before making our way back to the cars reaching them two hours and thirty-five minutes after having started out and having covered the best part of seven miles. No FRT today as there was nowhere available nearby with an outside area able to accommodate us.

It was probably fortuitous that we didn’t do the Cut walk as it would have been in low, wet cloud for the duration. Next time this walk is considered, a scouting party will be dispatched the day before to check the roads and will camp out overnight to ensure that we can access Cornalees.

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