Wednesday 17 May 2023

Annbank Circular 17 May


Alan, Allan, Davie Mc, Dougie, Graham, Gus, Hugh, Johnny, Paul, Robert

It was a nice, bright, dry morning as we set off to do our weel-kent walk from Annbank. Travelling in a clockwise direction, we made good progress down to Privick Mill and then on to the path beside the River Ayr. When we arrived at the spot where we have the option to go high or low, we chose the low road today, but soon encountered some difficult sections due to landslips and fallen trees. Having gingerly, but safely, negotiated these difficulties, most made the decision to go high when we did the walk again, particularly if the ground was soft and wet. Coffee was taken, as is the norm, at the fishermen’ shelter before we moved on and crossed the river at Tarholm Bridge, and then followed the path towards the Wallace and Burns monument. Fortunately, underfoot conditions were fine today, and we took the lower riverside path rather than staying high.

By ten past twelve we were all seated having our lunch at the monument, enjoying the tranquil and warm conditions. Most had stripped off layers by this time as the overcast conditions forecast had not materialised.

The return leg past Auchincruive and back to the Bowling Club in Annbank took about forty-five minutes meaning that we had done the seven and a half mile walk in three hours and ten minutes. The last stretch up to the cars was, as always, challenging. A hill is all you need at the end of a walk!

FRT was taken outside at the Tap o’ the Brae, the first time for a wee while since we have enjoyed our refreshment in a sit-ooterie. Happy days!

 Spot the dog!.

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