Wednesday 24 May 2023

Darvel 24 May


Allan, Dave Mc, Dougie, Gus, Hugh, Johnny, Kenny R, Paul, Rex

We had planned an earlier start today to accommodate Paul who had a dental appointment in the afternoon, so we were all present and correct, at least we thought so, before the 9.30am starting time. Davie and Kay invited us in for coffee and cookies, an offer we couldn’t refuse, Thanks guys, especially Kay, who was left with the washing up. It was nearly quarter to ten when we eventually set off only to see Kenny turning into Davie’s street. He was ready in no time and joined us for what was meant to be a shortish walk.

Unbeknown to us, Davie had decided not to do the walk through the woods but led us left at the gates to Lanfine and up the hill and on to the Long Cairn Walk towards Loudoun Hill. The warm weather forecast for later in the week had not arrived yet and the chilly breeze was still around, so it was a walk where layers came off and went back on again depending on the location. Given the recent dry weather underfoot conditions were good, and we reached our lunch spot just above the Spirit of Scotland monument, having chosen not to stop for coffee earlier, two hours after having set off. Johnny chose to walk on and get the last wee bit of climbing done rather than stop and start again. It was cold as we sat and had our pieces, so we didn’t delay too long before skirting the hill and catching up with Johnny at the road.

From there it was on to the old railway line, now with a pukka path, which took us along and back down into Darvel. Some chose to walk along the main road back to the cars, a slightly shorter route, whilst the rest took to the riverside path and arrived back having covered just over the nine miles in three hours and thirty-five minutes. “Not bad”, said Davie, “for a four-hour walk”.

Paul had departed by this time and Kenny had an appointment with a cold beer back home, so seven of us took well-earned FRT in the Black Bull where the coffees were free, and we all got a biscuit as well. Well done, the Black Bull! Must be something about pubs of that name as they appear to be very appreciative of our business. From one corner came a call for a three-pint day but, in the absence of some of our thirstier Ooters, the call was rejected.

Another grand day out!


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